Kinyan Hamasechta

Fire up your Passion for Learning Gemara

A groundbreaking program that cultivates ownership of your Torah learning.

Ignite a true love for learning

Join the worldwide movement

Be excited to learn every day

Looking to own & enjoy the gemara, not just learn it?

Don’t just go through the masechta, let the masechta  go through you!

The Challenge

It’s hard to find time and develop a passion for learning when your schedule is booked tight.

The Transformation

Our unique learning method makes gemara an enjoyable and memorable part of your day and life!

“This is a revolution and innovation that Klal Yisroel has not seen in so many years...”

Harav Chaim Tzvi Senter
Rosh Yeshiva Aderes HaTorah

Emphasis on Clarity

Shiurim that are given with a clarity that makes chazara easy.

Attain Mastery System

Encourages constant review, leading to “kinyan” of the Gemara.

Encouragement & Warmth

Enjoy the feeling of a close-knit chabura with whom you celebrate every milestone as you go through the masechta.

We are a global network of chaburos

Worldwide Chaburos
Committed Members

Who We Are

We are a global network of chaburos tailored to the needs of baalei batim. Our program focuses on complete command of gemara, through clear shiurim delivered by master Roshei Chabura, with an emphasis on chazara. In Kinyan Hamasechta, the goal is not to finish; the goal is to master. We believe that with mastery comes the true pleasure of Torah, as learning becomes an integral part of who our bnei chabura are.


“...given us the ability to utilize all of our time by being so familiar with the gemara through chazarah”

Gabe & Eli

“It builds a love and passion for learning, no matter where I am or what's going on, I just want to learn”

Danny Laniado

“This program has opened up a world of learning and insight that I've never had before”

Binyomin Sherr

Our Method

Our daily sedarim are designed with baalei batim in mind, so each shiur is concise and clear, making solo review easy. The key to our method is constant chazarah, so the shiur doesn’t go further until review is complete and the Gemara fully understood.

What’s more, you’ll be part of a dedicated group, with a Rosh Chaburah who provides warmth, encouragement, and motivation to keep the energy high and flowing. Enjoy camaraderie and growth as you toil in Torah together.

Why it Works

As with any sport, hobby or interest, you must feel some accomplishment in order to invest further. Mastery, even in increments, is necessary for continuation.

Similarly, when you put effort into your learning, you desire to see dividends. Reviewing learning with an eye towards mastery develops a cheishek for learning as you become captivated on that sense of accomplishment that comes with each piece you acquire.

Our aim is for baalei batim to further develop their mental taste for learning through that feeling of mastership over the Gemara they learn. 

Join Our Worldwide Movement

To bring joy and love of Torah to the working men of Klal Yisroel!

Join Our Worldwide Movement

To bring joy and love of Torah to the working men of Klal Yisroel!

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